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GingerScrubs BodyScrubs

Benefits of using GingerScrubs...


Brown sugar and white sugar are natural exfoliates for the skin. White sugar is more coarse than brown sugar and gets down in the pores to rid the skin of bacteria, dirt, and oil. Brown sugar is more gentle and also hydrates the skin. The both together will make the skin healthy, moisturize the skin, and give it a beautiful glow and feel so need for lotion.


Olive oil isn't just for's great for your skin! It's a natural skin moisturizer , helps with fine lines and wrinkles, and leaves skin silky smooth, no need for lotion!


GingerScrubs was tweaked and tried by my fiance. He had ingrown hair and shaving bumps and couldn't find anything that really worked. So with the right blend of sugars, olive oil, and essential oil, we also added the tea tree oil, vitamin E, and eucalyptus. Tea tree oil fights bacteria and fungus which cause acne and those nasty bumps. Eucalyptus oil is used for healing cuts, abrasions, and sores. Vitamin E helps keep the skin soft and healthy.


We can't forget about our lips. I say, "Sugar is bad for our hips but great for our lips!" When you exfoliate your lips to sluff away the dead skin, you leave your lips healthy, plump, and kissable, and the oils in the lip scrub, makes your lips feel so soft and healthy. So...Pucker Up!


My GingerScrubs are all homemade, handmade, with all natural "stuff"! No artificial colors, no added perfumes, just natural sugars, olive oil, and essential oils (such as scents, vitamin E and/or tea tree oil). Essential oils are made from the plants or product naturally, that's why the scent is not over-powering or strong...suble & sweet.


*Some target areas when using a sugar scrub: Face, feet, hands, elbows, legs (ladies use while shaving or right after for soft, smoother legs), and for back rubs. (Chocolate & Rose GingerScrubs are wonderful for romantic back rubs!)


*You should only use a sugar scrub on your face no more than 3 times a week. You do not want to over exfoliate. If you have more sensitive skin, cut down to 2x a week to see how your face adjust.


*CAUTION...your tub/shower will be slick after using a sugar scrub due to the oils in the scrub, so please wipe out.

*Also, with any natural sugar scrub, the oil will settle to the bottom of the jar. Before using this product, stir with spoon to mix up your sugars & oil for a complete experience.









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